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The Vaishnavite culture influenced Bishnupriyas centuries back. Therefore, their cultural heritage reflects the Vaishnavite culture mostly. Vaishnava "Pala Kirtana" using Mridanga and Kartala became most popular factor in Bishnupriya fine art. The Bishnupriya Manipuris play excellent hosts to the Aporbhi or guest whom they consider a god or goddess. they all use Kathi-Namsa-Nagun the three main elements of Vaishnav. There are certain racial festivals of great impotence observed by the Bishnupriya Manipuris.
The Divosa i.e, the arrangement of vegetarian feasts, the Akadoshi and the Parona utsova etc. are linked with Vedic cult. On the contrary, the divosas are highly dealt with the Nama-Sangkirtana and theological discussions. Besides , festivals like Apokpa Hmadeni i.e, the worshipping of the family God; Boronor Dou Homadeni or the worshipping of Harvest God; Lamor Dou homadeni or the worshipping of the tutelary deity and Chapal Katkorani/ Latkorani etc, are based on the Bhuta Yajna of Vedic ritualism.
The traditional festival of Vishu or the new year day celebration is observed in the last day in the month of Chaitra by offering vegetable feasts called Luko to the tutelary Deity of the ancestral adobe. On the first day of the festivals different types of food dishes are prepared and are exchanged amongst the families of neighborhood as a token of goodwill. They also observe nine days of the kang between the RathYatra and the Fira Ratha in the month of Ashara with Rothor Pali
festival and Sankirtana like Joydevo particularly with devotional songs of lord Vishnu, Sri Krishna and Jagonnath in the Malthep or Tample. And the whole Month of Kartika is observed with festivals like Kapokor Pali ( Merar Pali) with philosophical and theological discussions which is called Lerik Thikorani. Phagu or Holi festival is performed with great jubilation during the month of March with the memory of srikrisna Cahitanya, or Gourango Mahaprobhu. More info:
http://www.moulvibazar.com/festivals |
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